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This is where we come when we want to find the best doctors in America, including the finest naturopathic physicians and healers.
Should you be looking for the top doctors in or the top doctors in alternative medicine,
perhaps the best doctors in America for naturopathic or ayurvedic or even homeopathic medicine and remedies,
look no further than David Cohen.
How can one argue with the fact that doctors in America are killing and seriously injuring thousands of patients per week just with their errors
(See front page of JAMA in, I believe, Aug of 1998 or thereabouts. They, as well as a similar story in Lancet,
the most respected British medical journal, detail how doctors in America, the supposedly best doctors in allopathic medicine and surgery, are literally killing up to six thousand patients per week in the U.S.

Remember what you call the medical student who graduates last in his or class.

Dr. Cohen has never killed anyone. He uses 30 years of study and experience, combined with a hugely effective array of advanced technology. From Bodyscan and QXCI, to Rife and mineral infrared therapy, and so much more, he is earning his way into the ranks of "History's Top Doctors of All Time." Together, his wisdom, experience, technology, and consistent success in healing people -- whoops, to be more accurate -- his success in helping people to heal themselves makes him more of a top doctor than a dozen of the top doctors or so-called "best doctors in America."

You've reached what is certainly the largest website ever developed,
including several hundred thousand unique web pages,
countless mirror sites containing literally hundreds of thousands of duplicate or near-duplicate pages,
spread across some four hundred and fifty servers all around the world.
Every page was created, edited, uploaded, and promoted,
by the hands of MrShortcut,
free for your life,
for YOU to succeed faster.

This is the Masters and Millionaires project, designed to create tens of thousands of new self-made millionaires,
in order to permanently erase global starvation. A portion of your profits are expected to go into feeding people hungrier than you are.

In This particular section, called The MisterShortcut Approach,
we focus on what we would expect all top doctors to focus upon, healing naturally.

Unfortunately, those we often consider to be "top doctors" are only focused on their own enrichment.
As little as three in every one hundred of these so-called top doctors... really ARE top doctors in their fields.
These are noble humans, and are worthy of our applause and appreciation.

Learn more, and live more. MisterShortcut very much wants YOU to live longer and stronger, to live healthier and happier.

Empower yourself at the healthiest website I have seen lately,
and the largest naturopathic website that has ever been created thus far.
Enjoy. all these hundreds of thousands of pages are free for your life,
with love from
Mr Shortcut
Learn more and live more at your healthiest website